Thursday, June 3, 2010

Another great Birthday dinner...

Today was another great birthday dinner two nights in a row...
Celebrating with my greatest hair stylist cousin best friend
Marina Moua who currently works at Moxie Uptown, MN

and the other...I dont have a photo of but she's one of my
new best friends...from Michigan/North Carolina, and shares
the same kind of  long frustrating patient marriage experience
as I do.

The girls and I went out to LemonGrass restaurant out in
Brooklyn Park, MN and had some fantastic duck larb
and the Americans would spell it

It was quite delicious, although some thought it not
so much this time. The other great dish...and I always
love noodle dishes...pad thai...

but then soon after
the ten minutes of fast eating on a hungry stomach
all the food started to taste all the same...same sauce
same smell same taste...

all still yummy though. it was great that my new best
friend could come out. her husband, another story
for the BUM at the mine :)

anyways..she mentioned that she never went out for
her birthday :( so sad... but now is good, we old
married peoples with ten kids have been excepted
into the younger old girls group and found some
great friends...and with finding eachother thats great
all in itself.

tonight my other 10 kiddie best friend was babysitting
her sisters child, as her sister had a premature baby...
at the hospital...

when i think of sisters and family
were the best! i had THREE weeks at the hospital and
my siblings took care of my three older ones while i was
at the hospital trying to breast feed and care for mine
and force him out quick style :)

happy evening. this has been another great evening.

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